Ways To Make Your House Feel Brighter And More Vibrant

Interior side lit view of living room seating area, including coffee table, white sofa and plant.
Interior side lit view of living room seating area, including coffee table, white sofa and plant. / Construction Photography/Avalon/GettyImages

Everybody wants to live in a house that feels happy, lively, and vibrant, and getting some light into your house is a great way to do it, but this is easier said than done. You don’t want to have to keep the lights on all day long, and you don’t always have the freedom to get the natural light that you need. Even with natural light, there’s nighttime to deal with, not to mention gloomy days where the sun doesn’t come out.

However, there are ways to make your house feel brighter, and they will neither cost you much nor require massive changes to the structure of your house. Read on for four easy ways you can brighten up yourself and give it the vibrancy you wish for, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

Opt For White Walls And Furniture

Having a bright, vibrant home isn’t just about letting light in, it’s also about having a color palette that enhances the light. White colored walls and furniture in particular make a room feel a whole lot brighter, and it can also make the room feel larger. Of course, you don’t want your house to feel like a hospital, but just keep in mind how darker colored furniture is a poor idea if you feel a room is too dark.

Having lighter colored walls will reflect more light across the room, so if you feel you need an easy fix to brighten things up, going with white paint on the walls is a solid solution. Even if you have neutral walls, you can opt for a lighter shade, which will give the room more light. If you decide to get white furniture or carpet, just make sure you get them treated with stain guard, otherwise you may find that there will be many non-white patches before long.

Move The Furniture Around

Sometimes what your room needs is not new furniture or a new paint color, but just a little rearranging. The important thing to keep in mind when rearranging is that you want to emphasize the windows, which after all are your source of natural light. Don’t block the windows at all, but if you put furniture next to the windows it will benefit from the light coming in.

Wherever there is light, be wary of any tall furniture that will block it. Don’t have bookshelves parallel to windows, and make sure any large furniture is as far away from the window as possible, placing them on the other side of the room.  Also, keeping things as open and uncluttered as you can is essential.

Make Sure Your Floors Are Light-Colored

You may not think about it when designing your house, but the flooring is an essential element to keeping a house that feels bright and open. The general rule of thumb is that lighter colors are better, because if you have dark flooring, the room will feel more cramped. Flooring is something that has been taken seriously for millenia, and in the middle ages most people just had dirt floors. 

Contrasting the average person, the nobility had hardwood flooring, and they went with timber that was light in color as it was airier and made spaces feel warmer. Today, natural light hardwood is an excellent choice. It is also good to go with lighter wood stains in your home’s busiest areas because scratches are less obvious on them. If you already have dark floors, you don’t necessarily need to change them out to lighten up the room. Some light colored rugs will do the trick.

Make Sure Your Fabrics Are Light And Airy

One thing that drags the vibe of a room down in ways people don’t even realize is having fabrics that are heavy. Wool, fur, and velvet have their uses and can be great decorations, but they also add a heaviness to the feel of a room. You don’t want your decorations to feel overdone, so choose cotton, lace, and linen, especially if you have a small room to begin with.

,Also go with lightweight pillows, and keep the colors bright on them. Light pastel colors have a great visual appeal, and they will make your room feel more open. Keep this in mind with your rugs as well. Dark colors and heavy materials can give your room a cozy intimacy, but keep things light and bright if you want it to feel open.