Ways People Cheat In School That Are So Clever We Can’t Help But Respect Them

Students At The University Of New Mexico Attend Classes On First Day Of New School Year
Students At The University Of New Mexico Attend Classes On First Day Of New School Year / Sam Wasson/GettyImages

There’s no denying that cheating is wrong and in no way do we encourage anyone to cheat. However, there are gray areas to what qualifies as cheating. Copying the answers from someone else is always a no-go. But what about simply taking some notes with you for reference while you take the test? It is hard to condemn that in quite the same way.

Then there are people who get truly creative in the ways that they cheat. In some of those cases, the efforts are so clever that we have to respect them. They may not have the abilities to pass the test honestly, but they clearly have the abilities to succeed in other ways, and we suspect these people will get far in life, good test scores or not. Read on for four brilliant ways people have cheated on tests.

Hiding A Cell Phone In A Book

One of the most common ways to cheat is to hide notes which you can use on your test. They can be on the bottom of your shoe, in your calculator, or even written onto your own skin. The game has changed with smartphones, though, and anyone who can successfully hide their cell phone to use on a test has clearly won the cheating award. 

One way some students have figured out they can get away with it is by cutting a cell phone sized hole into one of their books which they will keep on their desk. They still have to be incredibly sneaky to not get caught, and it may not always be allowed to have a book out during a test. Still, it has worked for some people, though it is not something we recommend trying.

Juicing For Your Test

Juicing is not just a way to cheat in sports, it is also a way to cheat in academics. Some teachers are open to their students having drinks such as juice while they take exams, as it will help them stay hydrated and keep their blood sugar levels from dropping. However, some students have taken advantage of this leeway they have been given and have used the juice containers to help them cheat.

With juice boxes, they are able to carve out a little area where they can hide in some notes which they will then use on their test. If the teacher comes, it is easy enough to just slip the notes back in. We have to admire such an effort, but we also feel bad that the students are betraying the trust of their kind teachers who let them drink juice during tests.

You’re No Dummy If You Use Dummy Hands

Some types of cheating are so elaborate that they make us wonder why the student didn’t just try studying the material to do well on the test the old fashioned way. If you are capable of creating fake arms which make it look as though your hands are on the table, and then using your cell phone under your desk with your real hands, you’re probably bright enough that you could actually do well on the test if you put in that same amount of effort.

That’s right, some students have actually gotten away with using dummy hands as a decoy while taking their tests. It is a pretty novel solution, and we almost feel they must have done it for the thrill of it more than anything else. It’s like con artists, who could apply their talents to making money in legitimate ways, but they are too addicted to the rush of the cons to give it up.

The Ruler That Helps You Cheat

The best way to cheat is to cheat with items that the teachers will let you use anyway. This is especially the case for math classes, where various tools are utilized for making your calculations. Calculators make for great cheating tools, allowing you to type notes into them, and there is nothing suspicious about staring at your calculator while taking a math test anyway.

However, many teachers have caught on and don’t let you use your own calculator during tests. That’s where rulers come in. If you get a wooden ruler, you can write on it pretty easily and can make all sorts of notes with equations and formulas on it. Keep the writing small and use a pencil so that the teachers won’t discover your handiwork. And just hope that the day doesn’t come when teachers don’t let you use your own rulers either.