Tricks For Staying In Hotels That Will Improve Your Traveling Experiences

Retro Motel Room Interior
Retro Motel Room Interior / Aladdin Color Inc/GettyImages

We all love the luxuries of staying in nice hotels, but ultimately nothing beats the comforts of home, where we know where everything is and all of our needs are taken care of. 

However, there are many hacks you can use for staying in hotels that will make you feel a little more at home, combining the luxury you desire with the comfort that soothes you. Read on for five hotel hacks that will definitely bring your travel experience to the next level, and make you look forward to your next trip even more. 

Make Your Own Toothbrush Holder

Even in expensive hotels, you don’t necessarily have bacteria-free bathrooms. Maids work fast and do what they can, but the amount of time they are given to clean is ultimately too short to fully sanitize the environment. This is mostly not something to worry about, you want to take care when it comes to the counter in the bathroom. It may have germs that have accumulated from previous guests, and it is not something you want to put your toothbrush down on.

Considering you aren’t likely to travel with a toothbrush holder, you have to get creative. You could keep your toothbrush in a glass, but some glasses are too short and the toothbrush could easily fall out. If that’s the case, you can make your own toothbrush holder. Take a paper coffee cup, place it upside down, and poke a hole into it with your toothbrush. This will keep your toothbrush stable and clean from the counter’s germs.

Customize The Room’s Lighting

One of the most frustrating things about hotel rooms is dealing with the lights. There are so many switches, often in odd places, and it is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle to find the right lighting setup. It gets especially irritating when you try to get some moody lighting that isn’t super bright, which isn’t always possible in hotel rooms. It helps, though, if the room has lamps, because that allows you to easily customize the room’s lighting.

You can dim the lamp’s light on your own by placing a shirt or rag on top of it. Even more than the dimming abilities, though, is the ability to get some colorful room lighting based on the color of what you place on it. You should do this cautiously, though, as exposed bulbs could be dangerous to place materials over, and you only want to do this for a brief period. Leaving the room without turning the lamp off or taking your homemade tint off can be a very big mistake. 

Warm Your Butter In The Buffet

Butter makes everything better, and as recent health trends have shifted, it appears that butter is no longer bad for us. This means we should spread it as liberally as we please, and not feel any guilt about it. When traveling, though, sometimes we can’t get it well spread on our toast because the butter kept in buffets tends to be cold and hard.

At home, we can just microwave it for a few seconds or let it sit briefly in the sun, but what are we to do at a hotel? We could ask the waiters to bring us some nice, easily spread room temperature butter, but who wants to have to wait for them to bring it? That’s why you should simply rest the butter on top of or next to a toaster or warming pan. The butter will quickly warm up and be ready to spread onto your toast.

Plan Ahead With Snack Packs

While experiencing local culinary delicacies is some of the best part of traveling, it can get costly, and most trips end up with you overpaying for mediocre food, especially at hotels. This is often the case when you are running around and don’t have time for a nice meal or aren’t able to adequately research, and you end up in an expensive place that exists to overcharge tourists. That’s why you should plan ahead with snacks, so you can save your money on great meals and snack away while hopping from tourist attraction to tourist attraction or resting at the hotel.

How do you keep your snacks, though? If your hotel has a minibar, great, you can pack what you want. If not, you don’t want to just survive on dry snack foods, so you can make your own cooler in the hotel. Chances are they will have an ice machine, so get a leak-proof bag and fill it with ice, and then put whatever snacks you want into your homemade ice box. You can even use the sink or the garbage, if you need to.

Don’t Be Afraid To Take The Travel Soaps

Hotel rooms cost a pretty penny, so you should do what you can to take full advantage of them and get your money’s worth. Whatever amenities the hotel offers for free, use them. This includes not just the services they offer but also the things that you can take home, such as the soaps and other toiletries kept in the bathroom.

You’ve already paid for them, so these are yours for the taking. They will come in handy if you travel somewhere where you have to bring your own toiletries, or if you run out at home and need something quick to use until you get a chance to go grocery shopping again. There are definitely things you should not take and could get charged for, such as robes and clothing racks, but the soaps are yours for the taking.