Things You Can Add To Water To Make It Healthier And More Exciting

France - Cafe - Paris - Schweppes Tonic Water
France - Cafe - Paris - Schweppes Tonic Water / James Leynse/GettyImages

It is conventional wisdom that you should drink eight glasses of water a day, and though many of us may fall short of that goal, just about everyone these days knows the importance of staying hydrated, especially if you are in a hot environment. The reasons to drink a lot of water are numerous, ranging from flushing out our systems, removing toxins, boosting the functions of our internal organs, and improving our skin. There are probably many benefits that we don’t even know about yet, but nonetheless, too many people fall short of drinking enough water. Some people just forget to drink water, but oftentimes the issue is that people substitute water with less healthy beverages options. This is because they want something more exciting and interesting to drink, but rather than scolding or guilting people for this, we propose adding something to your water that will make it taste better and also make it healthier, or at least not make it any less healthy. Read on for ways you can jazz your water up in a healthy way.

A great way to make water a little more interesting is to squeeze some lemon into it. This adds vitamin C, which will help give a nice glow to your skin, and it will also add a nice tang to your water. The benefits to lemon are numerous, such as improving digestion, contributing to weight loss, keeping kidney stones away, and giving you nicer breath. This sounds like a no-brainer, and it is especially a good idea to do it in the morning. While nothing beats freshly squeezed lemon, one nice tip if it is lemon season near you and you are overflowing with the citrus is to squeeze and freeze, saving the juice for when lemons are harder to come by. One thing to take note of, though, is that if you are using reusable water bottles, lemon (and other citrus) may not be a good idea as the acid could cause problems, though stainless steel, glass, and BPA-free plastic should be fine. Speaking of citrus, lime is another great option to squeeze into water. It not only lowers your blood sugar, but it will also give you a nice dose of antioxidants as well as some calcium, magnesium, and potassium. If you find lemon and lime a bit too intense, consider putting orange slices right into the water. There are plenty of other infusions you can try as well, including. Mint is a safe choice, though if you wish to experiment you can go with basil or rosemary. Other fruits that infuse well are red berries and melon, which add a slightly fruity flavor to your water without overpowering it. You can mix and match and experiment however you please when it comes to fruit and herbs. As for people who like to drink hot beverages, a great option is to put fresh ginger into boiling water. Herbal teas in general are a good option, just remember not to add any sugar.