Surprisingly Useful Ways You Can Use Plastic Wrap

Arranged fruits an vegetables at the refrigerated section in a supermarket, Entebbe, Central Region,
Arranged fruits an vegetables at the refrigerated section in a supermarket, Entebbe, Central Region, / Camille Delbos/Art In All of Us/GettyImages

Plastic wrap is a great tool that many people use for covering bowls of food in the fridge or packing sandwiches for picnics and other such obvious uses. However, the world of uses for plastic wrap is vast, going well beyond what many people could possibly imagine. 

Plastic wrap is not just handy for food, and it should be considered a must have in all households even if you never cook. It is even something to travel with, keep in your office, and have backup supplies in storage. Read on for four surprising ways plastic wrap will come in handy.

Plastic Wrap For Pain Relief

Plastic wrap for pain relief is not the most intuitive sounding concept, and it sounds even stranger when you add an onion into the equation. However, if you find yourself with inflammation in your food, you can skip the painkillers because those two items are just the cure that you need. 

Put some slices of onion onto a piece of plastic wrap and then center your foot over it and wrap it around your foot. You want to make sure the wrapping is tight but still loose enough so that your foot won’t lose its circulation. Do this before bed, and when you will wake up in the morning you will find that it has healed up a lot. This isn’t an instant cure all, and you will want to do it repeatedly, but it is a great all natural way to provide relief.

Plastic Wrap To Make Your Own Sippy Cup

When you are dealing with young kids, you need to get creative if you want to even have any hope of keeping the house clean. Most messes are nothing some quick picking up can’t solve, and you can even make the kids do it themselves, but when it comes to food and beverages you are guaranteed to have some serious messes to deal with. Even though you may get used to breaking out the cleaning supplies, it is best to be as preventative as possible, and plastic wrap can be a great help here.

One way you can use plastic wrap to keep things clean is by making your own sippy cups. Sure, it is great to have an actual sippy cup, but sometimes you run out or just for whatever reason need to improvise one, and all you need to do is put plastic wrap over a cup and pack it tightly over the sides. A straw will easily poke right through the middle, and you are good to go with a homemade sippy cup that won’t spill, or at least won’t spill as much as a regular cup.

Store Your Christmas Tree In Plastic Wrap

It’s a tradition to go out and spend a ton of money on a Christmas tree every year, but why do this when you can just save your current Christmas tree for next year by wrapping it in plastic wrap? Sure, you’ll need a crazy amount of plastic wrap to do this, but considering the costs of a Christmas tree, this trade off is an easy choice to make. 

Saving the tree doesn’t just save you money, it also saves you all of the time that you would spend buying it, setting up the ornaments again, or storing it in another way. Make sure you wrap it up well, covering it all over, and by doing so the plastic wrap will also prevent the ornaments from falling. Nobody will notice that you used the exact same tree as the year before, and even if they do they will be impressed with your decision.

Use Plastic Wrap To Poach An Egg

Going beyond the typical food uses for plastic wrap, you can even poach an egg with it. If you are an experienced egg poacher and can get it perfectly every time like it is second nature to you, then by all means go ahead, but for everyone else, give plastic wrap a chance instead of wasting half a dozen eggs on failed poaching attempts.

To do this, lay the plastic wrap down onto a flat surface. Crack an egg into a bowl and then pour that onto the plastic wrap you have laid out. Fold the plastic wrap into a little bag and make a knot at the top. Then boil that bag for a few minutes until the egg has poached. This is basically a homemade sous vide, which is how most professional chefs poach their eggs anyway. You just want to make sure that the plastic wrap is made out of good materials, as not all may be suitable for boiling.