Quick Fixes For Typical Issues In Your Home

Close-up of a stainless steel shower with tiled wall
Close-up of a stainless steel shower with tiled wall / Construction Photography/Avalon/GettyImages

Every home needs a bit of maintenance now and then, and there are certain problems that seem to crop up again and again. While some issues in homes definitely need a professional to sort them out, there are many that can be taken care of all on your own, with minimum fuss or even skill required.

From loose shower heads to clogged faucets, we can handle many of our homes' common ailments. Read on for four problems that frequently plague homes and easy fixes for them that you can do all by yourself. 

A Shower Head That’s Gone Loose

It is only a matter of time until your shower head goes loose, but it is not very complicated to fix. The actual issue is not in the shower head itself, but is actually in the pipe. Once you understand that, fixing it becomes an easier process. Get a screwdriver and some expanding foam and get to work.

Start by taking the shower head off and taking a good look at the pipe’s base. You’ll see that it isn’t fully secure, so fill the hole with the foam to keep the pipe in its place. After that is done, you can put the shower head back on. This should do the trick, at least until it becomes loose again after another few years.

Water Stains On The Ceiling

It isn’t uncommon for water stains to appear on the ceiling, but it can still be frustrating. These unsightly spots might make you worry that you will have to repaint your ceiling, but thankfully the solution is much easier than that, and it doesn’t require you to spend a lot of time or money on it.

The first thing you want to do is identify where the stain is coming from. Chances are there is a leak in one of your pipes, or there may be a hole in your roof. Get that taken care of so that you don’t have more problems in the future. Once that is done, just make a solution that is one part bleach to five parts water and spray that on. Give it a few hours, and the stain should clear up. 

A Faucet That Is Clogged Up

Sometimes you’ll find that the water pressure from your faucet drops significantly. You ignore it and the problem progressively gets worse until one day hardly anything comes out of the faucet at all. You might think it’s time to call the plumber and possibly replace the faucet, but the solution here is surprisingly easy. 

This has likely happened because the faucet has been clogged up with debris which is trapped in the aerator screen. This is right inside of the faucet, keeping the debris from coming out along with the water. If you twist the screen to the left it can come off, so do this to clean out the debris. To get additional hard water particles off of the aerator screen, give it an overnight vinegar soak.

An Excessively Squeaky Door

A bit of a squeak on a door is fine, but there is a point where it becomes too much, and eventually you feel like you are living in a horror movie and you’re likely to wake people in another room any time you open and close the door at night. At this point, it is definitely time to get it fixed, and it’s so easy to do that you’ll wish you had done it sooner.

The culprit behind the horrific sounds is likely just a dry hinge, and you can fix that with WD-40 or any other lubricating spray. Spray right into the top crease with the nozzle, and take a paper towel or a rag to wipe off any grease that spills out. The squeaks should subside, and the horror movie will come to an end.