Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier While Also Being Funny

White onions a delicious and healthy food ingredient very...
White onions a delicious and healthy food ingredient very... / Roberto Machado Noa/GettyImages

There are many things in life that we may choose to optimize for. It is always good to find hacks that make life a little easier, more convenient, and more efficient. However, that should not come at the expense of joy, humor, and all of the other things that make life full of pleasure.

With that in mind, we’ve collected life hacks that not only make our lives easier but that will also make people smile and laugh. Read on for four ways to combine efficiency with humor, and you will find yourself wishing that you could get such a combo everywhere in life.

Go All Out To Prevent Onion Tears

There’s no easier way to pack your food with flavor than by putting a ton of onion, but of course, it will cost you dearly. Not in dollars, as onions are not an especially expensive allium, but in tears, as cutting into onions is guaranteed to make you cry. The more onions you cut, the more tears you will have to shed as the eye stinging chemical gets released with each slice. If only life were not so cruel.

There is an easy way out of this though, and that is by using goggles while cutting onions. Why do more people not do this? We’re sure many have thought of it but dismissed the idea because they were afraid of looking silly. Well we are here to tell you that maybe you will look silly, but that there is nothing bad about looking silly. Whoever sees you will have some joy added to their own lives, and you will get sliced onions, free of tears. Everyone wins from this scenario.

A Backwards Hoodie Gives You A Pouch

Ever wished you could carry your small dog around in a pouch on your chest? You can buy some fancy harnesses to carry your dog, but that is costly and, well, just so obvious. Why not get creative and take a hoodie, wear it backwards, and carry your dog in the hood? 

This brings you and your pup closer, as your dog can rest its head on your shoulder. You also don’t even need to look down to see your dog. On top of that, everyone who sees you wearing it will go “awww” the second they look at what you’ve come up with. You can take your dog just about anywhere like this, and we bet even places that don’t allow dogs will make an exception when they see your adorable contraption. 

Use Painted Rocks To Keep Birds From Eating Your Garden

Having a kitchen garden can be really satisfying once it all comes to bear fruit, both literally and figuratively. After some time and effort setting it up, you’ll soon have food growing that costs you next to nothing and tastes far better and fresher than anything you can get at the supermarket. That’s why it is so upsetting when your food gets eaten by various critters. 

You can do what you can to prevent them from coming, like putting in fencing, but sometimes your efforts are futile and sometimes your setting doesn’t allow you to fully keep them away. That’s when you have to get creative, like a woman did when crows were eating her strawberries. She took a bunch of rocks, painted them red, and put them into her garden. People made fun of her, but it worked. The crows thought the rocks were strawberries and tried eating them. Rocks aren’t very delicious, not even to crows, so the crows left and the strawberries began to flourish once again.

A Well Intentioned Lie To Convince Customer Service

Honesty is a virtue we should attempt to live up to, and it is bad to get into the habit of lying. However, some situations call for a good lie, because lies can occasionally be the best ways out of certain bad scenarios. One example of this is when dealing with customer service. In these equations, the typical rules of how you live your life are off, and you must use every trick in the trade to fight for what you stand for. All is fair in love, war, and conversations with customer service agents.

One person had the frustrating experience of trying to cancel their contract with Xfinity agents, and after six failed attempts, they had to pull out a big lie. “I am going to prison,” they wrote to the agent, and that did the trick. The agent gave up the resistance effort and fulfilled the request to cancel their service.